"ros so slow!!! now then put up photos. tsk."
OKAY LA. had to edit mah, alot of the photos were either too dark or too blur. plus, the girls have requested for thinner arms, bigger eyes, bigger......
hahaha. fine. they only requested for bigger.......eyes. what were you all thinking! tsk.
here you go!
DATE: 14TH JUNE 2008
there are more on facebook, so go see. dawn, please go get a facebook account. want to tag you also cannot. actually can. but you will need an account for it all to go into your account so you can see your photos without being a peeping tom and using other people's account to see your photos. it's a complicated procedure and if you ask me, i'll advise you to just for goodness sake, get an account. i think yueyiao has one. i can't remember. if you both want to have shared account also okay i think. but then again, there's this function........
ok enough ros.
well sorry ah, dun have an all guys' photo and group photo. cos my good memory recalls all our uncle manboys complaining everytime we want to take group photo. so like that lor. but i made sure all your faces were in, in at least one photo. so thoughtful right. i know.
sorry about the sentosa thing, those who went. (hides from brent and shaun) because of the i thought you thought he thought she thought, it didn't happen. apologies. thank goodness the pizzas came before brent could swallow me whole. -gulp- so scary!!
ciaos people. we shall meet again!
yours smally,
found a tunnel @ 3:43 PM